The Legal Cut: The Blog

Rocio Chavez Rocio Chavez

Legal Landscape: Understanding Ohio Employment Laws in Workplace Investigations

Understand the interplay between Ohio workplace laws and effective workplace investigations. This guide is specifically designed for Ohio employers, providing essential insights into navigating legal requirements, ensuring whistleblower protection, and implementing fair investigation processes. Learn how to seamlessly integrate these practices within your business to achieve compliance and uphold a culture of integrity. Explore how Moxie Mediation Workplace Investigations services can support your business.

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Rocio Chavez Rocio Chavez

AI-Powered Compensation Recommendations and Pay Equity Claims: An Investigative Challenge for Workplace Investigators

Explore the complexities of investigating AI-driven compensation disparities in our latest blog. Learn about the essential role of workplace investigators in ensuring fair pay practices, the need for an in-depth understanding of AI systems, and the importance of continuous education in the field. Delve into effective strategies for uncovering hidden biases in AI-generated salary decisions, addressing pay equity challenges, and proactively mitigating AI bias in the modern workplace.

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Rocio Chavez Rocio Chavez

AI Bias in the Spotlight: Investigating AI-Driven Hiring Claims in the Modern Workplace

Navigate the complexities faced by workplace investigators when probing AI bias claims in hiring. This article delves into the origins of such claims, the intricacies of AI-driven recruitment, and the critical data needed for thorough investigations. A vital resource for understanding and tackling AI-related challenges in modern workplace investigations.

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Rocio Chavez Rocio Chavez

Navigating NYC Local Law 144: A Review for Workplace Investigators

Explore the impact of NYC Local Law 144 on workplace investigators in our comprehensive guide. Discover how this groundbreaking legislation addresses AI’s role in HR processes, bias audits, data implications, and more. Ensure compliance and fairness in AI-driven employment with this in-depth analysis.

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This blog published by Moxie and/or Wagner Legal is available for informational purposes only and is not considered legal advice on any subject matter. By viewing blog posts, the reader understands there is no attorney-client relationship between the reader and the blog publisher. The blog should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed professional attorney, and readers are urged to consult their own legal counsel on any specific legal questions concerning a specific situation.